Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tonielle Moore: Child Advocate

By Tina Thach

Tonielle Moore’s mission is becoming a voice for children.

“It’s an indescribable feeling,” Moore said. She describes the feeling of helping children as “a mixture of happiness and excitement.”

Moore is a 17-year-old student at Corcoran High School. She is passionate about volunteer work and child psychology. During the summer, she volunteers at Cannon Street Community Center.

Moore works with children of both genders and all ages at the center. Moore is enthusiastic about a program that awards a free computer to its kids after they finish computer-training courses like Excel.

Moore’s interest in working with children inspired her to explore child psychology. She decided that child psychology would become her major in college, she said. The major will allow Moore to see the world from a child’s perspective.

Working with children, Moore said, makes her happy. She benefits from the experiences because the kids appreciate her efforts to help them. Moore then knows that a career in helping children is her dream.

“If I could see through a child’s eyes,” Moore said, “I could help them find their own happiness.


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